South Carolina was not only the first state to secede it is also where the first shot of the Civil War was fired. With the Union in control of Fort Sumter the Confederates fired a mortar from Fort Johnson to signal the siege of the fort.
The easiest access to Fort Sumter is via a tour boat. Arriving in an RV we were directed to the (free!) RV/Bus parking at Patriots Point, the home of the Yorktown the Vietnam Experience and other venues.
Enjoy the views and wildlife while waiting for the ferry departure.
After about a 45 minute ride, arrive on the island with about an hour to tour before the departure. That’s really not enough! Fran took in the 15 minute ‘ranger talk’ and went to the museum and was still there when ‘last call’ was announced. I took in the sites I could while the bulk of the tour group was at the ranger talk.
Shelling from the Confederates and later the Union has taken a toll on the old fort, but feel very fortunate for our time there.
There remains a couple cannon ‘bombs’ embedded in the walls.
From the beach by the fort the pelicans are having a feast as the tide is turning. Oops it’s time to reboard the ferry, not enough time!
And then across the bridge to enjoy the official snack food of South Carolina – Goober Peas!
It’s an acquired taste!
Hilton Head was a must stop if only for bar munchies on the waterfront. Checked out a couple spots but Hudson’s was perfect for our tastes.
Florida next …
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