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December 01, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from SoCal

When the Santa Ana winds blow they blow off-shore creating amazing clear warm days late into the ll.  Not really a ‘Indian Summer’ but certain a few post-card perfect days here in SandyEggo.
The day was spent with family, but not without some time to enjoy the boardwalk in Pacific Beach.
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Boys playing football on the beach – beats sitting in front of the TVP1010871 (640x480)P1010872 (640x479)

Turkey dinner on the beach just south of Crystal Pier
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It’s Thanksgiving Day but the Christmas decorations are already out.  OK so the tree on the beach is pretty cool…
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Ah the Macaws – Although they will greet you with ‘Hello’, or ‘Surfs Up’, could not get one to say ‘Merry Christmas’.  Oh well it was Thanksgiving, I’ll try again in a few weeks.
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So what am I thankful for this year? Pacific Beach Drive with no traffic!
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Family, friends, loved ones, our great country and those that defend it, and really days like this – no snow needing to be shoveled!

November 11, 2014

Shrimp Festival Details

How to count the days in San Felipe?  By the sunsets? by the sunrise? moonset? moonrise?  All are special and there was a full moon!  The full moon sucks most of the water out of Bahia Santa Maria and makes the star gazing a bit more of a challenge.
Sunset / Sunrise:
P1010727 (640x479)P1010701 (640x480)
Moonset / Moonrise:
P1010705 (640x479)P1010688 (640x479)

With the rising dawn the pangas and seiners head to port to get their fresh shrimp to market:
P1010715 (640x479)P1010706 (640x480)

The mornings are time to warm up to the day and forage for breakfast. The vultures spread their wings to allow the sun to warm there cold hearted bodies.  The pelicans begin their search and the osprey enjoys breakfast while another vulture circles for the left overs:
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But the high tide afternoons are lazy, a good time for a siesta.  The birds gather in large integrated groups.  The pelicans and gulls crowd on the sandbar on the Sea of Cortez while other gulls and the resident stork and heron enjoy  the calm of the back bay:
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But this post is about the Festival!  There are artisans:
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There is tequila! and wine and muscatel:
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And toys, games and rides for the kids:
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Live entertainment throughout.  The Andean flutes were my favorite:
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Dang almost forgot there's shrimp!
Bacon wrapped (Costa Azul) always popular, Brocheta = shrimp on a stick
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Tamales are new this year and a very welcome addition!  Coconut or Philly cheese stuffed
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Tacos at every booth, with a bit of inflation!  Quesadilla looked good, too.
It's all about the shrimp!
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 or is it?
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My choice was 2x Costa Azul, 2x butterfly, salad, bread and Margarita for $10 and the Churros for dessert. 
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Leaving Monday was great.  Not only was Bahia Santa Maria was empty of gringos!  There were just a few crabs and clams for company.  Time to relax and sort some shrimp:
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A border wait of about an hour, compared to 3 on a Sunday.  Sure it’s good to be home, but I’ll take that Monday over this Tuesday anytime!