“I’m not as good as I once was, but I’m as good once as I ever was.” Had to pick between the 2 best hikes in the park: Angels Landing or The Narrows. Friends who have done both agree that Angels Landing would be the better choice. But it lacks both shade and water …not to mention it’s way longer with a 1600’ elevation gain.
Woke up to beautiful morning, but so did everybody else and there was quite a line at the shuttle stop.
The last shuttle stop is Temple of Sinawva. From there it is a mile paved path to the Virgin River. As the trail map says ‘the river is the trail, be prepared to wade, rock scramble, hike or swim as may be necessary’. Sounds like fun, first river crossing easy-peasy.
Along the way waterfalls, sandstone, limestone and weeping rocks, where the ground water flows out between the rock layers.
No swimming on our trip was required. Altho after that first easy water crossing there were 31 more. Most were knee to thigh deep, altho I did try a short cut thru a waist deep pool. And the destination was well worth the effort!
Sometimes there’s a worry about leaving the RV unattended, but this time no concerns! We had Bambi guarding the front door.
Really love the door guardian. - Tom