This is a silly picture, but it was taken during the National Anthem, notice that none is sitting or protesting – we are all standing with our hearts covered as a high school gal knocks it out of the park – acapella! A nice change from pro-football.
The local American Legion always leads the parade as the official color guard and riders.
Followed by a fly over. There were 12 aircraft this year, this bi-plane has been here before to lead the others. But new this year is the final plane – low, fast, loud, blowing smoke and setting off all the car alarms! Awesome touch! He is so welcome back!
The local arts are doing OZ, nice float anyway.
Seems Holtville is here every year, they’re not just known for the Carrot Festival – they have a decent high school band. The local high school has a restored fire truck.
The X-Games Gold Medalist in Street Luge, Stuart Edmondson, comes down the hill showing his speed.
This young girl is a new equestrian rider joining the growing number of horses.
Last year’s Miss Borrego has passed her crown to the new queen seen along with her court on the following float.
On the west end of The Mall is a new-to-me ceramic mural. A lot of work went into this and it is indeed worth a look.
The events at Christmas Circle provide food and entertainment through the day.
And the car show and shine. I have no use for a Cadillac La Salle, but it is a beauty – now an Alpha …. I'd drive that home.
Another silly picture but I spent a few hours last weekend putting this radiator into the Jeep. Just look at all that shine! It's a thing of beauty!
The official ground breaking on the new Borrego Springs County Library was held in the early afternoon.
The new library will be directly across the street from the post office. The existing library is on east end of the Mall in the left of this picture. It will look like the model below. Wish we could get a new library
During the public input period I suggested that citrus trees would provide shade and fruit. I received a brief that essentially said “NO!” … “ the water and maintenance requirements are cost prohibitive."
With the toss of the dirt construction has begun! …. sans citrus trees.
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