I have the The Springs at Borrego Newsletter via email and right on the front page is Burk’s Bench. The Bench is located between Font’s and Inspiration Washes. The approach from the Inspiration Wash is much longer but also a lot easier. Having never tried an approach from Font’s Wash before and with the crowds expected this weekend all looking for a new experience, we decide to go early the next morning.
Photo from San Diego Reader
For an overnight we often use the Peg Leg Smith open camping area. It certainly does not offer as much room as what remains available at Clark Dry Lake, but it’s just fine for us. At first light we are ready to head out following the directions from the newsletter and the Reader.
We found the small wash a 1.2 miles from S-22 and started up.
This wash quickly peters out and we seek higher ground to get an idea of where we are. The correct one was the one just before mile 1.2 on our odometer.
With a bit of zoom we see the destination a bit to north west of where we are.
As the newsletter mentions the approach is indeed steep. Be sure to sign the guest book found under the bench if you make this hike.
And are the views as good as those at Font’s Point? Be the judge yourself.
We decide to take the easy way down into Inspiration Wash and then bushwhack back to the Jeep making a loop rather than an out-n-back.
The entrance to use from Inspiration Wash is fairly easy to find. And at this point we are nearly back to S22. It was too easy to just walk back to the road and then up Font’s Wash. More fun and with a bit of a challenge to use a bit of dead reckoning.
No worries we made it and deserve a fun lunch. Kesling’s Kitchen has been getting some good reviews so we wanted to give it a try. They have advertised a Roadrunner and Cactus Pizza. “Breast of roadrunner, nopales cactus, ranchera sauce, habanero jack cheese, crema, micro cilantro.
Looks just like the advertisement, and George – this pizza does bring the heat! The habanero jack is an awesome touch ... OK so it's really chicken breast, still a very different and tasty pizza.
Nightfall is biggest Star Party in Borrego, it starts today but it will have its own post.
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