But it’s HOT! above average for hot this time of year! I chose to give a call to Borrego Holiday Homes to see what they had for a couple nights with hookups and accepted their offer of site 79. WOW! this is the primer site in the citrus grove. Close to the pool and clubhouse with views of Indian Head out the window. I’m sure this was to be a long term site, even offers cable!, but for the weekend it’s ours
The Grand Marshal this year was Diana Lindsay – yes the gal who has spent decades documenting San Diego County History. Her latest achievement, as editor, for the Canyoneers is a detailed San Diego County hiking trail guide - Coast to Cactus. And I now have an autographed copy!
And Diana has a day named in her honor:
The parade is led by aircraft – 3 helicopters and 18 fixed wing this year. Just a few years ago the only aircraft was the park ranger! The planes will land at the Borrego Springs Airport with several offering flightseeing trips afterwards. Followed by the Color Guard. That’s an interesting picture as a Latino boy salutes the flag and the fella next to him remains sitting with his hat on …
Like all local parades this one has a few bands, cars, floats, horses, clowns, a Grand Marshal.
The Holtville High School band wins as the best marching band. Easily defeating my local Clairmont offering, but Brawley offered up a great performance.. If you have been to the ‘Carrot Festival’ You’ve been to Holtville and enjoyed the band.
Elvis made an appearance to sing his “Viva Borrego” single, to the tune of his more well known “Viva Las Vegas”.
And pretty girls, every parade needs a few young pretty ladies wearing a sash.
A few odd-ball entries in the parade include a single wheel Segway and a Model T driver with a bionic eye. Painted horses look like something fun to do, and a mini-trash truck … who knew???
This 1975 Manta was used as a stolen car in Gone in 60 Seconds. In an earlier parade Fran and I saw this low-rider with a hydraulics failure. It was stuck with a rear corner raised fully extended and not able to maneuver. Nice to see it dancing again!
At Christmas Circle lines have already formed for the food court. Fran is not a big fan of ‘Fair Food from the Midway’' anyway. An option is the Red Ocotillo which has relocated into the old French Restaurant location. But we end up at our go-to lunch stop Carlee’s Place. Very nice lunch salads, and the Jerk Chicken Salad is enough to share.
However, Kesling’s Kitchen has opened next to the Borrego Art Institute directly across the street. Looks really good!
The stage within the Circle was divided into sections allowing one band to set up while one was playing and another tearing down. A very efficient means to keep the music flowing.
There is some carnival fun for the kids and some serious art work for the adults. All the rugs and hangings are make by hand … and the prices reflect that effort!, wish I could afford one
While I took a quick drive out to Font’s Point for a few moments with Daddy Dearest, Fran took in the music at the Circle. If you make it out to Font’s Point give a shout out to DD. On this trip I was surprised at how soft the sand was, 4x4 was required. At Font’s Point there are several updated informational signs.
Me and DD at Font’s Point … and our last trip together …
Along with all the fun and activities in town during Borrego Days, there is no day use fee to enter the park and do the Palm Canyon Trail hike if desired. Also the Begole Archeological Research Center is also open to the public (limited hours).
The center houses the most complete research of the valley. Covering mostly pre-Anza artifacts, fossils and research, but also a collection of post Anza artifacts and a research library.
Minerals found within Anza Borrego State Park:
The Library is open to the public for research altho the archive materials cannot be checked out, there is no restriction on research nor photography.
The Paleolithic research is really interesting. The Borrego Sink was an inland sea home to a vast array of life. Lots of horse and camel fossils are often found.
The current jetports include the careful recovery of a mammoth skull. Our local mammoth are nearly twice the size of the more famous Woolly Mammoth.
Next up – San Felipe Shrimp Festival !!! Got Shrimp?
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