We’ll be doing this as a bike ride, since there is also a meeting on the local trolley station and a chance to revisit DeAnza RV Park on the way to the PB Fest.
Our first stop BayParkBoarkdwalk.com, is to catch up on what’s to be developed along with our trolley station. Escrow closed yesterday and now Protea Properties, LLC owns this property! YEA! The city had plans to put in a large parking lot and a trolley stop. Protea is a local developer (Sea Port Village downtown and it’s upcoming face lift and the revitalization of Flower Hills Mall in Del Mar) they work with the community to offer long term, for profit solutions. We’re looking for more of a beach theme and of course the trolley stop! as a long term solution.
However, also yesterday the San Diego City Council (behind closed doors!) voted to evoke Eminent Domain to maintain control of this valuable piece of property. BOO! Back to the court room …. The gotchya is the city needs a higher density population to justify the trolley stop. ARG! The city desire to build 6-story condos on a section of this property has been defeated. Yea!
At DeAnza RV Park it is business as usual, with only perhaps a dozen empty spots.
Campland also is nearly full.
Great to see folks enjoying Mission Bay!
The evictions in DeAnza Trailer Park are now official and enforced. We saw only a couple folks taking out the last of their belongings. The city of San Diego now owns all abandoned homes. And security chased us down twice as I did not quite understand the restrictions of the bike path.
The loop around the promenade is open, but not anything within the homes.
The Pacific Beach Festival is an annual event held along the beach near Crystal Pier. Always fun, always crowded. Music from various stages blared Reggae, Rap, Rock, Classic Beach vibes and pure Classic – thanks to PB Middle School’s Orchestra for their classic string music.
I do not have any update on the DeAnza Cove Redevelopment Plan. Our Alaska Adventure conflicted with the last meeting and there is no update on their website since my last post. Stay tuned for any new developments here! As of today, updated sewer pipes are being installed and a new drainage route in also under construction.
However Rewild Mission Bay is still a strong influence…
BTW – ever enjoy a beer at the Green Flash? it’s gone
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