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May 19, 2024

Home !!!

There’s no place like Home, Home Sweet Home.

We travelled 7,055 miles in 74 days.  That comes out to an average of 14.17 mpg.  A bit disappointing, but acceptable considering the WIND and mountain roads.


  • Visiting family
  • Enjoying the eclipse on a perfect Ohio day
  • The beauty of Shenandoah NP
  • The history and music of the Blue Ridge Mountains
  • The awesome southeast seafood


  • WIND it just never let up.  If all that wind had been behind us, we could be in Hawaii!

Biggest Surprises:

  • Congaree NP, sure it’s a swamp but something different for us.
  • Clovis NM, the Heart Beat of Rock and Roll
  • Run For The Wall riders.  A couple hundred motorcycles were heading east in a classic staggered formation.  My brother has done the ride twice.

Biggest Scare:

  • We were on the leading edge of the devastating Storm that ravaged Houston.  Torrential rain with lightening.  One bolt of lightening hit a tree a couple dozen yards outside Fran’s window.  The clap of thunder, the explosion of the tree and Fran’s scream were all simultaneous.  We were fortunate to not be in the worst of that storm!  Houston was hammered!, 7 deaths and many thousands without power.

In a previous post I mentioned using Diesel Kleen to the fuel when traveling in the Midwest.  I’ve added their Bio Kleen as well.  I only add a bit to the last fill-up when I know the RV will sit for a few weeks.

New on this trip was a GlocalMe device that converts cellular service to Wi-Fi.  Using an eSIM it will connect to most networks.  It worked quite well, even when we had no T-Mobile service.  The data is a bit expensive, my 30GB package was $59 for 30 days.  I use a VPN also for additional security.  Being able to check traffic, plan stops, use email, all things Internet while traveling was worth it.

We’ll be heading to Kg’s graduation from Long Beach State next week.



  1. Welcome home, that is quite the trip! You hit a few spots we have been to. Ditto on the Southeast seafood. We miss that already. You reminded me that I should probably pick up some Diesel Kleen for our trip.

    Go Stars!

    1. Thanks Jim! It's good to be home. We did go over budget on meals ... and the seafood was worth it! Safe travels on your Alaskan adventure!

  2. Gay and JoeMay 19, 2024

    Glad you are home and way glad you survived Fran’s scream. That was some storm in Houston! I miss the seafood too…especially the oysters from Florida. Appalachicola oysters are the best!

    1. I agree the southeast has some of the best seafood! and I'm from the PNW which does have better salmon :)
      I like your past week's uneventful, relaxing days. We'll be busy unpacking, catching up on yard work, but would rather kick back and enjoy the day! Maybe next week ...

  3. Scary times driving across the country.....poor Houston! I'm glad you weren't hit by the tree, I'm sure it was Fran's scream that saved you!
    Getting back home after a trip is a crazy time, keep your eyes fixed on next week and the uneventful time coming!

    1. Fran's scream sure got us paying more attention and we stopped shortly afterwards.
      Kg's graduation is going to be a pleasant interruption to settling in and catching up on the yard work.


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