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May 21, 2024

The Graduate !!!

 It’s official! Kg is a graduate of Cal State Long Beach. She worked hard, studied even harder, and made it on the President’s Honor Roll each semester. And she did it in three years! We couldn’t be prouder!

Just Grandpa bragging a bit ;)

She'll be heading to Boston for post-graduate and masters studies !  Boston? Seafood !!! A road trip is in the works :)


  1. AnonymousMay 22, 2024

    Grampa has every right to brag about your granddaughter ! Way to go !

    1. Thanks, she really worked hard for this.

  2. Gay and JoeMay 22, 2024

    Congratulations! You should be bragging! You have a very smart & beautiful granddaughter. And Boston sounds like a fun road trip!

    1. Kg really put a lot of effort into her studies. I bet Boston has some good seafood! And of course the fall colors.

  3. Woohoo! I don't blame you for being proud!

  4. Congrats to the graduate!!

    1. Thanks Jodee! Kg did took advantage of the excellent advantage of the summer programs to finish early with excellent grades. But Boston??? She's a bit independent :)


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