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April 24, 2024


Our time in Dayton is about over.  We enjoyed a bike ride to Ladder 11 for lunch.  It’s a new-to-us grill near the University of Dayton.

It is located in a firehouse built in 1892 that housed Dayton’s last horse drawn fire trucks.

Seems there are always some chores to do.  Fran cleaned the gutters,

while I cleaned up the side yard ... Well I hired Caleb to do most of my chores :)

Marion’s pizza is always a favorite stop.  We can fit 6 in our freezer!  Yup it's full :)

Dorthey Lane Marked is an easy bike ride.  They have the best salad bar.

and the freshest vegies

And now offer Killer Brownies for desert!

The brownie includes a layer of soft caramel in the center.  The Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough was really good.  They offer a few others, so guess we'll have to go back.

We went to a couple free concerts, including Banjo Nite at the Milton Club.

Last time our Ester Price candies didn’t even make it home.

We picked up a little extra this time :)  Might need another Killer Brownie, too.

And sadly the day finally came to have this century old maple taken down.

3n1 Tree Service showed up on schedule with the equipment to do the job.

A limb was tied off and then cut.

The cut limb was then lowered to the ground by a crane.

The pile of debris was then picked up to be hauled away.

I’d not seen such a contraption before.  Made quick work of the clean-up.

Finally the trunk was taken down and cut into 4 sections, be fore loading into the truck.

The automated stump grinder removed the last traces there was ever a tree there.

Very sad to see it go.  A 100 years of growth and only a couple hours to remove it.  Fran has her eye on a red oak to replace it.

This weekend we’ll be giving up our cozy spot in the backyard to begin a lazy trip home.


  1. Gay and JoeApril 24, 2024

    You guys have been as bad as us…we have had fudge from three different places and the best burgers from two different places. We will need to walk a lot to shed a few extra pounds! But, I think that is what vacas are for! Way sad to see the tree gone. Hope you kept a tree ring for a keepsake. I love it when old buildings like the firehouse from 1892 are repurposed and given a new beginning rather than being torn down. Lazy trips are definitely a new concept for us…I’m loving it! Can’t wait to see what adventures you have heading home! Be safe!

    1. Thanks Gay! Fran's dad built the house 'around' the tree. This was mostly wooded then. We were able to keep the house in the family, but alas not the tree :(
      Still looking a the route home and the stops along he way ...

  2. Ah, so you didn't really go to Ohio to watch the eclipse now did you.....pizza, burgers, fudge, candy, brownies, salad bar....hmmmm Sounds like fun!

    1. LOL !!! You know us well! But the eclipse did make a good excuse!

  3. Love that you loaded the frig with your favorite pizza!! Amazing how fast a job goes with the right equipment - very impressive.

    1. We can usually make it home with a couple pizzas still in the freezer! Hopefully again this time!
      the tree crew did an impressive job, still tears for me, but it had to be done ...

  4. Why does your blog always make me hungry...

    1. HA.HA! We do eat out own and then, which is part of travel.
      But then again you might just be reading at your normal meal time ;)


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