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July 20, 2016

Alaska Highway–On to the Yukon! from Watson Lake …

Watson Lake is home to the famous Sign Post Forest.  If traveling through Watson Lake be sure to bring your sign to add to the thousands there.
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“Rufus was here from SoCal 2016”
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There are a few campgrounds to choose from, but we stayed at Downtown RV Park, although it is a cramped parking lot, it is an easy walk to everything. 
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And right across from a decent market and the entrance to Wye Lake Park and its trail system around First and Second Wye Lake.
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For a quick leg stretch we stopped at Rancheria Falls.  There are two falls along the Coal River separated by a rock island.  Think Niagara or Snowqualmie Falls – with the exception both falls cannot be viewed simultaneously.

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A must stop, but for no good reason, is the Continental Divide.  In Colorado the restrooms are labeled “Pacific” and “Atlantic”, but there’s not much here but a wide pullout and a couple info signs.
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Teslin Lake is a beautiful stop!  We parked along the lake for a ‘lunch with a view’.  Beautiful place, but too early to make it an overnight stop.
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Whitehorse RV Park - the ‘camping lot’ at Walmart!!!  It is well used.  Even a few permanent residents and since travel vehicles do need repairs … why not ‘DIY at home’.   Many/most of the RVs we’ve seen along the way are here at Wally’s overnight spot!  Who knew?
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The Walmart Greeter is an oh so cute fox!

But it is on the bike path to town …
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We chose to walk the easy paved path along the Yukon River from Walmart to the excellent Visitor Center and on to the S.S. Klondike.   Reindeer milk?  I’ll pass …
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We were a bit disappointed in the displays at the S.S. Klondike, as the $2 (CA) Self Guided Tour Book we were ‘encouraged’ to buy included visits to “#8  Oberservaton Lounge”, “#9 Dinning Room”, “#11 Boat Deck” and “#12 Wheelhouse” that are all not open to viewing by the public!  WTH?!?

We enjoyed splitting the Bob Halibut Burger at Klondike Rib and Salmon on the return walk through town.  Check out the salt and pepper shakers!  Better minds prevailed – I’d have paid the $25 for them Smile.
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YUM! and more than enough to split for lunch …

We enjoyed the walk back, which took us past the Log Church – on 3rd Street, but we missed the tour.
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Also along 3rd Street are a few statues and if timed right live entertainment.
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The Walmart camping lot is next to Canadian Tire – all things hardware / automotive / home / garden – in a tire store!  In SoCal we have racks of baseball equipment in the sporting goods stores, here it’s double racks of hockey equipment – in a tire store!
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and accross from Walmart is  the Real Canadian Superstore – massive selection of grocery, fruits, veggies … including Poblano Peppers!
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I picked up 4 poblanos and a few jalapenos ….

After topping up the gas tank it was to be a short hope to Skagway, AK.  However, we decided to do the recommended stop at Miles Canyon for a short hike.  But the timing was perfect to join a docent led hike to Canyon City.  The young gals set a brisk pace making for an enjoyable couple hours of education.
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Next up ALASKA – Skagway, AK

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