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August 25, 2024

Sun and Sea Festivl - some weekend fun

In mid-August Imperial Beach hosts the Sun and Sea Festival at the foot of the Imperial Beach Pier.  We still have fog every night into late morning and this Fogust Saturday morning we loaded up the bicycles for a ride to/around Imperial Beach.

Sun and Sea Festival
Welcome San Castle

This is the first time the festival was not accompanied by a sand castle building event on the beach.  The beach and ocean remain too contaminated to guarantee the health of the builders.

However the the music was nonstop.

The numerous booths offered various art and collectables.

But the booth that interested us most was the Sea Shepard.  We toured Farley Mowat, one of the Sea Shepard cutters, when it was in San Diego.  That blog can be found HERE.

And again when the cutter was in San Felipe … HERE.

San Felipe, Baja MX.

The efforts of the Sea Shepard remain to preserve the wildlife of the oceans including the beloved
Vaquita Porpoise in the Gulf of Mexico.  Now numbering less than a dozen. :(

The welcoming sand castle continues to take shape throughout the day.

In years ago there were food trucks at the festival  But for the past couple years the food trucks have been moved to the Farmers Market at the library a mile away.

We’re not ready to leave, so a walk to the Tin Fish at the end of the pier for lunch.

Walking the pier is fun.  I enjoy the humor of the one-liners along the way.


You get the idea, there are over a dozen of these!

Sunday we enjoyed an afternoon picnic on the grass at De Anza Cove.  The event was to welcome long time friends Mike and Gail back for a visit. 

They retired and sold their PB home to retire in Delaware.  That’s definitely on the other coast!

We were busy visiting, and with the strong sun/shade contrasts not many pictures were taken.

I took a little time to visit the National City Depot.  This depot was the Santa Fe west coast headquarters from 1885 until 1889.

It continued to serve passenger needs and support of the electric trolleys after Santa Fe moved their headquarters.  This is a restored electric trolley that serviced the Panama-California Exposition of 1915

Another trolley served to move workers to/from the South Bay Salt Works

Returning home I stopped for lunch at El Indio

No fish taco this time!  Instead I wanted a beef tostada!

Now that Aj has returned from Spain we see a bit more of her.  She continues to work nearby in Mission Valley and rather than commute from San Marcos she stays here during the work week.  And we are very happy to have her!


  1. Those sand sculptures are incredible. Someone has some skill! Your world is so different than ours, that is part of what makes your blog so interesting to me.

    1. Likewise Jim, your world is quite different than ours! Hence I look forward to the next episode from South Dakota.

  2. Gay and JoeAugust 26, 2024

    Good morning Jeff…what a fun post! It’s so cool to red your blog and actually have favorite places and memories I recognize. The pier at IB is so fun to walk, but we haven’t eaten at Tin Fish yet. I agree with Jim…your world is so different from ours and yet so familiar…I love it there! And the mention of lunch at El India makes my mouth water! Aj is very fortunate to have you and Fran so close. That’s an interesting puzzle she is working on and I’m curious …what is the map a photo of?

    1. The Tin Fish is a local chain and just about average seafood. But boy do they have the location! There's also one on the O'side pier.
      The puzzle is a custom Fran had made for me, with out home at the center. Like me Aj does not start with the edges, but put the freeways in first, I-5, I-8, I-805, 163... i start with Mission Bay. She's slowed down by the canyons.

  3. Cool puzzle! I'm a "start with the edges" sort of puzzler though. Sad to hear that the ocean and beach are too polluted to safely have those fabulous sand sculptures..... I love those one liners!

    1. Lots of rain early this year and the treatment facilities just could not keep up, so there is still contamination along the southern beaches. The IB pier is fun to walk just for the little bits of laid back humor provided.


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