Every couple miles is a different band stage offering live Rock’n’Roll. Each mile marker has a speaker playing recorded Rock’n’Roll. The runners enter Mission Bay 15 miles after the start. It’s a bit congested here as the entrance and exit from the park share the same roadway at Fiesta Island.
We’re riding our bikes from DeAnza toward Fiesta Island to listen to the music and cheer on the happy runners. The band Coastal Eddies plays some good Beach Boys, but really needs to rethink their lead singer. Lots of energy and good sound otherwise.
The run offers official ‘pacers’. This group is being set to a 3:30 finish time by their pacer at mile 17 …. only 9 miles to go!
Both medical and hydration stations are spread along the route.
And of course a cleanup crew. There is a time limit that the roads can be closed for the run. It may look a bit like the guy with the broom behind the horses at a parade, but he is really on a deadline.
Here's a group of runners coming up from South Shores. And no wonder it was a good place to take a break. This group totally nailed Eric Clapton! What’s your favorite – ‘I shot the sheriff’, ‘Lay down Sally’, ’Cocaine’? They were good!
We completed our bike ride around the bay, with a stop at Mission Bay High School to watch our neighbors' son play in his final soccer game of this season. This is our first time to their new football field. …. nice! Ben's game was a 0/0 tie.
A final note, over the past couple weeks I’ve been watching the dredging being done at Leisure Lagoon. This work is now complete, providing better tidal flow to the swimming area. It’s a great spot for a SUP too!
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Until next week No Bad Days!
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