And it is ablaze with color, but there is no one perfect spot to see it all. Some of the best wildflower fields we saw were on the drop down from Ranchita. However the bloom in the valley is still strong.
We arrived in BS by 10AM, and were totally surprised by the traffic at this early weekday hour.
A quick tour of the Farmer’s Market at Christmas Circle, noted that there was nothing needed. Altho some of the veggies looked good, and why does Humus made from garbanzo beans always have a long line, and nobody buys the healthier green beans? Well we didn’t buy either one …
We dragged the Jeep along behind Rufus to have a ‘Toad’ as additional transportation this weekend. There was room at the Bargain Barn, just off Christmas Circle, to park and disconnect. From here we head out to Henderson Valley ahead of the anticipated crowds, and it is already more crowded than we’ve ever had in the past!
Here’s a good idea of the extent of the Henderson Valley flower fields.
First thing the following morning I head out to Font’s Point, hoping for a few quiet moments with my dad. Not this trip! Photo-gurus with tripods trying to catch the sunrise. I’m sure Daddy Dearest enjoyed the company. All certainly had a great morning for it.
I do not believe I have ever seen the valley floor this green.
George (Our Awesome Travels) – I have the individual flowers and clusters below and there’s a bunch! Thanks for asking! Fran suggested I trim it down, what do you think?
A few of the flowers are from landscaping in town. Several from our brief trip thru Henderson Canyon and to the entrance to Coyote Creek. With the amount of traffic we encountered we did not venture into Coyote Canyon nor Hawk Canyon.
Most are from the humble Thimble Trail where the little canyon was empty except for our Jeep!
Desert Lily/ and its funky tenticals
Dune Primrose/ with Sand Verbena and Brow Eyed Primrose
Brown Eyed Primrose / Desert Star
Popcorn – it’s everywhere!
Milkweed - in a couple weeks it’ll be a colorful attraction for the hummingbirds
Canterbury Bells
Indigo Bush
Arizona Lupine
Apricot Mallow
Desert Dandelion – it’s everywhere!
Check out the pods on this tree - Bladderpod ????
Desert Sunflower
Beaver Tail
Witches Hair
Wild Cucumber
Fran added some to a salad … ONCE!
I really like this campsite site, tucked into the little citrus grove, but with oleander on one side, and juniper along another. It is the oleander that is pause for concern – it can be toxic in all forms, including using the long straight stalk to roast a hot dog.
Nice spot but the oleander on the drivers side makes a colorful barrier it is poison!
Long pale stalk, long dark green leaves, regardless of color – AVOID.
The hummingbirds really like the juniper blooms behind Rufus.
And for sure we were not alone! Traffic was backed up for MILES!, on Palm Canyon Drive Saturday with the day trippers. Glad we came in early on Friday.
Any idea why they cover the cactus with hats? This is next to the Hawk Watch berm on Coyote Creek Road. The hawks come in toward the end of the bloom to feast on the White Sphinx Moth Caterpillars.
Pruned grapefruit trees at Seely’s Ranch, nice square trees of equal height. I cannot find Al’s post (Travel with the Bayfield Bunch) that showed the machine. It’s quite a spectacle so see it in action.
Time to prep for our week in Yosemite! with the kids!!! Awesome!
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