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July 18, 2023

Love is a Rose - Linda Ronstadt tribute band

It’s Linda Ronstadt’s Birthday!  Happy 77th Linda! a Rock, Country, Mariachi idol.  My favorite song she performed is “Love is a Rose”, a Neil Young song.

But first I’ll cover the last few weeks, since my last post.

I’ve completed 2 weeks of in-home PT.  Which is mostly a stretching and icing routine to prevent the scar tissue from taking over.  The one thing I did not expect is the need to practice walking correctly!  Who knew ?

There have been a lot of jigsaw puzzles and audio books to enjoy.  I’m not big on doing the puzzle border first, but prefer to work from a prominent object in the puzzle, while Fran puts the border together.

With Wimbledon on TV I finished the my inside-job before Fran even started on the border of this fun little puzzle.

Fran placed the puzzle poster in the frame to make it look complete.  Nice touch!  But i have the rest of the puzzle on a sheet of paper it was an easy transfer to slide it into place.

These 4 National Park posters will interconnect to create a large banner style puzzle, a gift from Kami.

I like to work on a sheet of stiff paper to transfer my completed sections to complete the puzzle.

Another chore I’ve been relived of performing is mowing the lawn.

I doubt Fran enjoys mowing as much as I do.

For my first real outing Fran and I went to the Serra Mesa block party.  Serra Mesa is a small community across the canyon from us.  It was a true ‘block’ party, taking up only a single block.

But it did have a small car show where the locals could show off their special rides.

This car was a donation to the elementary school and painted by the students.

A Chevelle 427 including a nitrous bottle.  Ready for the street, or the track.

The best of Show went to this awesome 1940 Ford with a V8 shoehorned under the hood.

1940 Ford.  Chrome looks good at the show.
But 'Chrome won't get you home' ~jsp

I’m partial to trucks and the only one entered was this Chevy.  I even like the color, my pick for Best of Show.

The block party included free dogs, burgers and beer.  That’s right FREE beer!  Fran got one, but I have another few weeks before adult beverages are allowed …

There was a constant rotation of bands on the stage.  While I sat to watch the tribute band Love is a Rose

Fran went for one of those FREE beers, but I have another few weeks until the doc says adult beverages are allowed …


  1. Gay and JoeJuly 18, 2023

    Sounds like things are going well…good to read you are out and about. Hands down, the Chevy truck would be Best in Show for me too…I love old trucks! I was a huge Linda Rondstadt fan back in the day. I’ll have to revisit some old favorites.

    1. Thanks Gay! I'm not nearly as busy as you and Joe!, but I'm making progress. The OB Pier has reopened, so my next goal is to walk the pier.
      Talented and beautiful ... who wasn't a Ronstadt fan? I sure was :)

    2. Gay and JoeJuly 19, 2023

      Sounds like a great goal…is the cafe open? I bet fish tacos are on the list too!

    3. I wish !11 that would certainly provide an ample incentive and reward. But alas they did not reopen when the pier did earlier this month.

  2. I would have to go with Blue Bayou but I definitely agree with you on that truck!

    1. Blue Bayou is another good choice, there are indeed many good to chose from. Altho small Serra Mesa put on a fun Block Party. Hope there is at least another truck next year.

  3. Glad to hear that you're out and about and that you don't have to mow the lawn! Win/win Thanks for the puzzle tips, I always start with the edges, but sometimes a big feature in the middle will call me and I'll veer off onto it! Fun however you do it.

    1. It sue feels good to be more mobile and being able to be outside. Puzzles are a fun way to stay busy. We have a few folk in the neighbor hood we exchange with.

  4. Glad to hear you're on the mend and getting about.

    1. Thanks Gaelyn! I'm trying to stay within what PT has approved, but sometimes ....

  5. Good job mowing Fran! Get well. It is a long road.

    1. Agreed Fran did such a good job on the lawn, I think she should do it from now on! :) Thanks for the thoughts, I'll stick with the PT schedule to avoid doing something (else) stupid.

  6. Jodee GravelJuly 22, 2023

    Glad to hear you're healing and getting out and about in the neighborhood. That's quiet the collection from one block!!

    1. Thanks, PT is now saying walking more is good.
      The little neighborhood gatherings can be very enjoyable.


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