Last month the San Diego City Council approved $120 million for improvements to Mission Bay. Dredging the current navigation channels could begin in January 2018, and be completed prior to nextyear’s boating season. Additional public meetings are scheduled for this far reaching 10 year plan.
Included in the Mission Bay Park Master Plan is the De Anza Cove Revitalization Plan. For the past 18 months the public has been invited to attend and provide input via 6 Ad-Hoc meetings into what they value and how De Anza Cove will fit into the future of Mission Bay.
This past Tuesday, Dec 5th, the Mission Bay Park Committee was presented with two alternatives from the City of San Diego Planning Department to select as the future of De Anza Cove. Oral public comments were limited to 1 minute per speaker, even so there was a lot to be said. The two plans presented are shown below.
1. Although both alternatives show access from westbound Grand Avenue and egress to Figaro Street, that has been removed. Access and egress via Grand Avenue will be eastbound only, as it is now.
2. NO changes will be made to the golf course although the clubhouse will get a remodel.
3. Campland will be converted to wetlands and added to the Kendall-Frost Marsh Reserve. (Protected with a chain link fence and barbed wire)
4. Guest housing and RV park will occupy 40 acres.
5. There is no beach access from within the guest housing area.
They differ in that Alternative 1 leaves the peninsula at De Anza Point intact with the guest housing occupying the existing mobile home park property. In Alternative 2 the peninsula is split to allow for more tidal flush and the guest housing slides to the east to encompass the existing parking lot. The island is connected via a vado which will allow for more drainage in the event of severe weather, hence no bridge is provided for island access.
After 2 hours of public comment in opposition to the two alternatives, the Mission Bay Park Committee decided it was time to vote. A motion to postpone the vote for a 60 days for review of public input and to receive the water quality study plan from Rewild Mission Bay, was seconded. However the vote tied 4-4, and the motion failed.
Another bit of debate among the committee members the best of Alternative 1 was placed over the worst of Alternative 2. A motion was made to accept this revised Alternative 2 and was then seconded. This motion passed 5-3. Since there was already a slide prepared with this revised alternative 2, I have to believe that this was the goal of the committee all along and the first 3 hours was just proforma for show.
Here’s my cut-n-paste of the starting point for De Anza Cove Revitalization. This is the basic plan we have to work with going forward. I’ve added a current Google view to show where it might fit within the current public area.
The committee felt reduced parking would be made up by the use of the trolley stops at Clairemont Drive and Balboa Avenue. As there will be a condo development at both locations, those occupants would be able to walk/bike to the bay. I disagree, as that logic does not account for the demographic who drive there for a family day at the bay.
The loss of the parking at the far west end will impact how the ‘Fun Runs’ are staged. Almost every weekend during the summer there is a fundraising event for a worthy cause staged there. The annual Hawaiian Festival has taken place on the grass there. While speaking of the grass, for over 30 years I’ve set up one of many volleyball nets there, kids soccer practice is held there, as is T-ball. Of course we can relocate, but I feel like over 30 years of history was taken from us.
Nothing is locked in stone yet, this is just a starting point to keep the process moving. The impact study will begin in January, I doubt it will contain what needs to be done with the 120 lost boat slips at the Campland Marina and safe RV and boat storage yard also provided by Campland. Overall I can see that this would be a good plan for our visitors in guest housing, but at a higher price from local residents than I wanted to pay.
Ah yes … my tax dollars at work!
BTW there are separate plans for Fiesta Island and Bahia Bay, I’ll follow these developments but probably not attend the meetings. The Morena Specific Plan hits a bit closer to my home, and has already begun development - I will follow that.
I’d like to be here in 10 years when the Mission Bay Project is complete
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