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July 24, 2024

Redwoods - Fern Canyon

Our next adventure was to Fern Canyon.  From of our Mystic Forest campsites, it is located in the Prairie Redwoods, about an hour south. 

We eagerly chose to drive the Newton B. Drury Scenic Pkwy to check out the views and a stop at the ‘Big Tree’ Wayside.

Lori at the Big Tree

Big Tree is estimated at over 1500 yrs old 286’ tall and 23’ in diameter.  It is a Big Tree among many other big trees.

Once back on 101 we turned onto Davidson Road, which is paved, but quickly turns to a narrow unpaved track to Gold Beach, a bit over 10 miles. From the Day Use parking lot we began on an easy level trail.

The trail guide pamphlet mentioned that foot bridges would be installed, but we should be prepared to get our feet wet. … We all brought a second pair of shoes to change into.

Michael just walks in the creek, while the rest of us try to keep our feet dry.

Jm likes to demonstrate his balance by bouncing on the foot bridges.

and climbing on the logs

This bridge was a bit short and I managed to get a foot wet.  But notice the 150’ high steep walls just laden with ferns.  I was admiring the walls and not what my feet were doing!

Michael, Lori and Jm

Cousins Jm and Audrey

We had to pause as another couple was returning down stream.  The trail really is that narrow.

No way around this one.  We all got our feet wet!

Where the water trickles down the sides of the, canyon the ferns cannot get a purchase and there the walls are covered with moss.

there are no benches on this trail, so Marty and Juanita take a break on a log.

There was no way around this dead fall, but to go straight through!

This is not a redwood, there are very few of them in the canyon, but the ferns will grow wherever they can find purchase.

I didn’t get a good picture of our picnic lunch at the day use area.  But Marty and Juanita were exiled for bringing nuts!  Claira has a nut allergy.

Jm and Lori did the hike to Gold Beach.

On the way back to camp I noticed this sign

offering dancing lessons with elk?

And we did see elk!

This gal is giving me the eye … must be time for my dance lesson!

Back at camp Claira and Nikki did a walk up to the ‘Chimney Tree’.  Long ago this tree was hit by lightening and left hallow.

From inside the Chimney Tree

Next up the Del Norte Redwoods, at Jedediah Smith Redwoods


  1. Gay and JoeJuly 25, 2024

    What a fun post Jeff! And what an awesome family adventure! Love, love those giant trees and what’s not to love about fern and moss covered canyon walls! I like creek crossings and like Michael, I just walk right thru…well unless it’s waist deep…👍!

    1. Hi Gay! We all had a lot of fun wading in the creek. Jm must be related to Mowgli as he was the only one to keep his shoes dry.

  2. I often wonder if kids appreciate things like those trees like we do when we are older. I am sure I didn't at that age. Love that sign of the elk protecting its baby!

    1. Being from rural Washington, reading John Muir, I can say that I always appreciated the nature around me. I'm the kids are growing up enjoying our outings.


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